The Predator - 💥💥💥

Director: Shane Black
Writer: Shane Black and Fred Dekker
Release Date: 12th September 2018
Hot Rating: 💥💥💥

Just over thirty years after Shane Black's performance in 'Predator', the actor-turned-screenwriter-turned-director is back with a new addition to the franchise. In true fashion of the Pennsylvanian writer, the once 'action' and 'horror' labels surrounding 'Predator' are transformed with dark comic overtones. In a similar essence to Black's work on 'The Nice Guys', there are overarching themes of comradery, which are signalled through the crew of misfit soldiers tasked with fighting against the Predator. Unlike in 'The Nice Guys', however, the punchlines aren't as sharp and the character arcs feel mismatched when patched together with the film's gory action. Even newcomer Boyd Hallbrook's valiant performance as the rough 'Quinn McKenna' can only partly hold up the skewed chemistry between our central characters. This flaw is accentuated in the final act where audiences are met with recurring character reveals and deaths; the result is a chaotic climax to the action.

Brian A. Prince as 'The Predator'. Source:
